The City of Bigfork Minnesota is a Telecommuter Forward Community!
Bigfork, Minnesota, population 446, is the population and business center in the northeastern portion of northern Minnesota’s Itasca County. The Northeast portion of Itasca County is branded and referred to as the "Edge of the Wilderness". Located in the heart of gorgeous lake country, tourism is a significant part of the economy. An active logging industry, timber product manufacturing at the Rajala Lumber Mill, and almost 100 jobs at nearby GGI Solutions, a membrane switch manufacturer, help support a diversified retail and recreation business in the City and surrounding area. Bigfork is a center for high quality rural health care, combining Bigfork Valley Hospital, Scenic Rivers Medical Clinic, Bigfork Valley Communities (long-term care) Bigfork Valley Villa (assisted living apartments), and Bigfork Valley Twin Homes into one health care campus. Scenic Rivers also has a Dental Clinic on Main Street in Bigfork.
The city is one of five neighboring communities that have banded together to form the "Edge of the Wilderness". This unification to help invigorate community growth and enhancement is largely attributed to development assistance from the Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board.
The city is one of five neighboring communities that have banded together to form the "Edge of the Wilderness". This unification to help invigorate community growth and enhancement is largely attributed to development assistance from the Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board.